Changing Season Affect Those With Multiple Sclerosis Ah, the lazy days of summer often involve outdoor activities, except for those living with MS. The heat can exacerbate our symptoms. Truly, each season brings challenges we must face. However, for every challenge, I have found solutions or at least methods for making the most of a bad situation. Stay Warm and Limber During the Winter with These Tips The winter chill can be difficult for many people, not just those with MS. Older people tend to have arthritis and may often feel stiff and sore. Since I'm older and have MS, that handily describes me: stiff and sore. Fold in weakness in my arms and legs and the description is complete. Therefore, in winter, I keep the house a constant 75 degrees to keep warm. Warmer temperatures or heavy clothing can cause my symptoms to flare up. Additionally, after a hal...
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